*Estimated prevalence in non-squamous NSCLC. Imagery is for illustrative purposes only and does not
proportionally represent biomarker prevalence as shown.

MET Biomarker Testing Methodologies

IHC is an established methodology used to detect protein biomarkers such as PD-L1.3,7,9 NGS and FISH are examples of genetic testing modalities that can detect MET amplification and/or METex14 skipping.5,7

MET biomarker testing methodologies comparison chart

There are no FDA-approved tests for c-Met protein overexpression or MET gene amplification.

FFPE, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; IHC, immunohistochemistry; NGS, next-generation sequencing; RT-PCR, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction.

Explore MET Detection Methods

IHC, NGS, and FISH detection method examples are for illustrative purposes only.

MET Detection methods: IHC, NGS and FISH (for illustrative purposes only).
IHC detection method example (for illustrative purposes only).
NGS detection method example (for illustrative purposes only).
FISH detection method example (for illustrative purposes only).

Adapted with permission from M Shi, et al. Cancer Genetics. 2021;256-257:62-67.17

AbbVie commitment

AbbVie is committed to advancing research in NSCLC

c-Met protein overexpression and MET gene amplification are emerging biomarkers in clinical research as potential therapeutic targets.

There are no FDA-approved tests for c-Met protein overexpression or MET gene amplification.

Biomarkers included are select MET aberrations that are both emerging and established biomarkers in NSCLC. This is not an exhaustive list of all NSCLC biomarkers and selected MET aberrations may overlap with other NSCLC biomarkers.

MET aberration prevalence estimates and prognosis statements are based on multiple sources. Survival and prevalence data can vary among studies and data sets because of detection methodology used, patient sample sizes, and/or demographic characteristics. Some patients may have more than one MET aberration.

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